
Business Branding


Owners of virtual businesses and businesses should be aware that in order to become a brand on internet platforms, particularly virtual pages, they must define their brand personality and clearly and explicitly express their values and messages. When it comes to branding, brand DNA is frequently mentioned. Everyone agrees that the corporate logo and color are the most important components of the brand’s DNA. The logo, color, and design are central to the brand and play an important role in the brand image. The logo and brand image are two external features of your brand that help the audience remember the image of your brand. Many brands create a logo and believe that they will use it for many years, but this is not the case. In fact, as the tastes of the audience change, their logos should be modernized and modified. True, the audience has the same old logo in their minds, but the updated version gives the audience a better feeling. However, the brand’s DNA is much more than its logo and external features. In fact, market strategy refers to the market’s nature, as well as the internal and external forces that influence your brand. After deciding on a logo and corporate color scheme, you should consider your brand’s personality.

Brand personality is a feeling that your audience gets from your brand and can relate to. Having a personality for your brand allows the audience to connect with it and become loyal to it. Carl Jung defined 21 archetypes of brand personality in branding. In fact, these 21 archetypes are characters drawn from art and history in stories and legends, and they have been examined and chosen from a psychiatric standpoint to convey human experiences effectively. In fact, these 21 archetypes are characters drawn from art and history in stories and legends, and they have been examined and chosen from a psychiatric standpoint to convey human experiences effectively.


12 archetypes: 1-Innocent 2-Sage 3-Hero 4-Everyman 5-Caregiver 6-Creator 7-Explorer, 8-Rubel, 9-Lover, 10-Ruler, 11-Jester 12-Magician


The Innocent: A character who acts completely within the bounds of morality. Brand: CHANEL

Sage: A wise and intelligent character who can answer questions.Brand PHILIPPE PATEK.

Hero: Desires to overcome adversity and be the savior. brand: ROLEX

Everyman: A person who is involved in daily life and performs repetitive tasks. brand: FENTY

Caregiver : A character who makes many sacrifices and is always there to help others. Brand: SEASONS FOUR

Creator : It is responsible for the creation of art or structures. Brand: Apple

Explorer: A character who pushes boundaries and learns about the unknown. brand: LAND ROVER

Outlaw: A person who believes that laws are made to be broken.brand: BALENCIAGA

Lover : The main target of its audience’s heart is the romantic lead. Brand: HERMES

Ruler : It is the market leader and controller. Brand: MERCEDES BENZ

Jester : A funny character or a comedian’s trickster, but it conveys important messages on the inside. Brand: GUCCI

Magician: A strong character who wields power over the world in her own unique way. Brand: BVLGARI


The most difficult part is determining a suitable archetype based on your brand values.


You enter the internet space professionally, with a brand personality and a suitable logo and organizational color, and then you have to work hard to stay there. In fact, branding allows your customers to have complete trust in you. When you compete with your competitors or introduce a new product into the market and you are only a well-known brand, the importance of branding becomes clear. You are in charge of pricing. A common mistake made by business owners and virtual businesses is to mix up virtual pages and online stores. In fact, virtual pages are intended to create and communicate with a community of their target audience. While it is true that content production has a significant impact on attracting an audience, it is not always sufficient to become a brand on internet platforms.


There are several options for Internet branding, including:


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