The online business replaces the online store with Sika solutions

Websites and apps can only help you make an online sale. Online sales appear to increase your earnings. However, because the entire sales process is not completely online and electronic, it increases costs, causes customer dissatisfaction, and discourages you from selling online. With an online sales system, you not only ensure the future of your business, but you also make different parts of the business smarter, from the stage of registering customers’ orders in applications and websites to collecting goods in the warehouse and sending them, while increasing sales and profits, accelerating service time, and increasing the possibility of customer satisfaction. Managing the integration of all departments will result in significant cost savings and increased customer satisfaction.

Sika Business Knowledge Base Company builds a platform by providing smart solutions so that businesses that want to sell their products to customers without intermediaries and under their own brand name via the Internet business system can do so in the shortest time and for the least amount of money. Start an online business.

You can contact our experts for free expert advice on setting up your own internet business system.

Some of the unique features of Sika’s business system

Some online business sales solutions

Establishing an online supermarket

Using this solution, supermarket owners can not only sell goods online and under their own brand, but they can also handle all sales processes from the moment a customer places an order to the delivery of the goods online.

online supermarket
online chain store

Creating an online retail chain

Chain store owners can use this solution to quickly set up their own online sales system with features such as branch management and control, automatic connection of orders to the nearest branch, and hundreds of other possibilities.

Creating an online restaurant

Restaurant owners can use this solution to intelligently set up their own online sales system, which includes features such as receiving orders online, managing couriers and communicating with them until the food is delivered to their customers, and hundreds of other options.

online resturant

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